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Africa Vision-2040, AFRIC discusses Africa’s Emergence in Berlin

Both local and international bodies share Africa’s plight and have vowed to accompany the continent in its quest for feasible development. One of such bodies is the Association For Free Research and International Cooperation (AFRIC). For years now, African leaders have defined major projects that would drive and bring real development on the continent in all spheres, as delineated in the development agenda 2063.

According to UN the Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Carlos Lope, by the year 2040, a significant number of African nations would be classified under middle income nations. In the same light and in an effort to promote Africa’s development and regional integration, the Association for Free Research and International Cooperation (AFRIC) has announced a foresight session in Berlin Germany to brainstorm on the best strategies and solutions to Africa’s myriad problems, which are actually posing a threat to the continent’s peace, stability, democracy, governance, growth among other aspects. Billed for July 29 to 30, 2019, at the Hilton Hotel Berlin, the two-day session will hold under the theme: Africa 2040; vision of the future, a platform to discuss the way forward to attaining real development in the continent.The two day gathering will bring together experts, NGO leaders, influencers and diplomats from all walks of life to deliberate on the following issues; Africa’s economic development,Governance, Energy security, infrastructural development and investment, agriculture, social policies and culture and education. Without violating the sovereignty of African states, the aim of this year’s AFRIC foresight session is to outline reliable solutions to the challenges faced by African nations, using an African approach to solving Africa’s challenges, which are an impediment to the continent’s emergence. This move comes to harmonize what one of Africa’s most dynamic leaders President Paul Kagame of Rwanda said; that African leaders should positively utilise their ties with foreign nations or organizationsto effect practical changes in their respective nations. A positive wind of change is blowing across Africa, in spite of vices like terrorism, civil unrest, plaguing the continent in recent times. It is really commendable that Africansboth at home and abroad have realized the need to Africa’s emergence by sharing their expertise in different fora. It doesn’t matter where the event takes place, but what suffices is the outcome of the forum and proper implementation of resolutions.

The Association for Free Research and International Cooperation

The Association for Free Research and International Cooperation with its acronym as AFRIC is a clique of independent researchers, experts, Journalists and activists. AFRIC has shown interest in helping African leaders instill the principle of democracy in their respective nations. Thisnon-governmental and apolitical organization has carried out a series of research studies in African countries like the Central African Republic, Mali, Libya, Sudan, Zambia and Madagascar. Aside these research works, AFRIC has overseen election observation missions in African countries like Zimbabwe, Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of South Africa. Thus, commending African nations as they have attained a noteworthy level of political democracy, though with some few cases of opposition contesting poll results, a phenomenon which is sometimesunavoidable in a fewnations.More information on AFRIC can be accessed at

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